Apple and Samsung finally reach an agreement on the patent dispute


However, the companies did not disclose the terms of the agreement; Apple has accused Samsung of plagiarizing the design of the iPhone since 2011

The long dispute between Apple and Samsung seems to be over this Wednesday (27 / 06). According to court documents, the two giants of technology have reached an agreement.

The agreement closes a battle that began in 2011, when Apple accused Samsung of violating patents on the design of the iPhone . The company co-founded by Steve Jobs alleged that the South Korean manufacturer copied the look of its smartphone to its rectangular shape, rounded edges and colorful icons aligned on the screen, as well as two patents for utility .

Bill Lee argued that design patents have made the iPhone revolutionize the market – and therefore – demanded that Samsung pay the amount that would, in short, be the equivalent of the profit that the South -Korean got with the sale of the Galaxy S in the case $ 1 billion.

In May, the latest news on the case was that a US jury ruled that South Korea would eventually pay Apple $ 539 million for patent infringement. Samsung had already paid $ 399 million and should have made an additional payment to Apple of nearly $ 140 million if the decision was upheld.

However, since the terms of Wednesday's agreement have not been disclosed by both companies, certain whether Samsung has agreed to pay the additional amount or not.

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