Capcom develops a game that will surprise you •


After Resident Evil 7, Monster Hunter: World and the long awaited remake of Resident Evil 2 and Devil May Cry 5, Capcom falls gracefully again and draws the attention of the players.

Jun Takeuchi, producer in division 1 of Capcom, who introduced you to Resident Evil 7 and prepares the remake of RE2, in an interview with Famitsu about a

"If we continue to gradually increase the staff of our staff, I think at one point we will be able to handle four AAA games at the same time, "Takeuchi said about the future. "

Second question, when Division 1 was working on Resident Evil 7, they had already started working on Devil May Cry 5 and Resident Evil 2 remake – which means you get

Takeuchi claims that the Capcom's ambition to hire more employees and improve its technology, to continue to offer high-quality games

What is this game that will surprise you?

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