On the night of last Saturday (1), Carolina Dieckmann was one of the special guests of the Altas Horas program.
During a conversation about the marriage with Serginho Groisman, the actress said that she would like to see her in the movie "The Seventh Guardian". to renew her wishes with Tiago Worcman because she did not feel beautiful at her ceremony because she was six months pregnant.
"In my second marriage, I was an obese woman, with six months of pregnancy, I had gained 20 pounds.And then, finally, this wedding dress … A fat, white person In white, everything got worse, I live talking: "Thiago, you must give me the chance to be a bading bride, please, skinny," he says [19659002Shealwaysfinished:"BecauseeverybridedoesnottrytoloseweightIcouldnottrytoloseweightbecauseIwaspregnantsoIstillwanttohavethatdreamof"awifelosingweighttobeagirl"
Serginho Groismann still jokes:" Do you want to lose weight to be beautiful, then? ", giving to realize that she is already beautiful. [19659002]
Is weight loss now banned from the politically correct clbad?
Carolina Dieckmann is right not to be able to do anything, but I do not know what to do with it. Feel good while being overweight or overweight. They say, "My body, my rules." She does not have to pretend to please.
Nowadays, every woman tries to badert herself as she is without having to deconstruct herself. [ALTAHHORA
– Anti-13 (@SPLdA) December 3, 2018 to attend social predispositions and she, influential public figure to be an actress and for her fame to make this speech? #gordofobiaagenteveporaqui # media #AltasHoras https://t.co/tan1Nob9I3
– Giovanna Landucci (@glanducci) December 3, 2018
Gordas do not marry in white, according to Carolina Dickman in #AltasHoras pic.twitter.com/bS92dUjGmN [1965900] – Miss Sapiens (@ 1762817840d9428) December 3, 2018
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