Child of nine years of Guaratinguetá hospitalized for suspicion of meningitis | Vale do Paraíba and region


A nine-year-old child is hospitalized for suspicion of meningitis in the Intensive Care Unit of the Taubaté Regional Hospital. The patient lives in the Flamboyant district of Guaratinguetá.

According to Guaratinguetá City Hall, the boy was admitted to the municipal emergency last Sunday (3). Facing the symptoms, she was transferred to Frei Galvão Hospital, where she was hospitalized in isolation until dawn on Tuesday (5), when she was taken away. at the regional hospital of Taubaté.

Surveillance revealed that despite care and symptoms, the case is considered suspicious and collections were made to confirm the diagnosis that should take place on Tuesday.

In a statement, the agency says it will initiate blocking actions in the Flamboyant neighborhood, caring for people in touch with the patient. The prefecture indicated that since public school clbades, where the child is studying, have not returned, the restrictions will be applied only in the neighborhood.

Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes that line the brain and spinal cord, usually caused by an infection, usually viral. But the disease can also be caused by bacteria or fungi. There are vaccines for the prevention of certain forms of meningitis.

Symptoms include headache, fever and stiff neck. Depending on the cause, meningitis may improve over time, with antibiotic-based treatment, or be fatal.

  Understanding meningitis - Photo: Art / G1 / File <img clbad = "picture content-media__ picture" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "Understanding Meningitis – Photo: Art / G1 / Archive" title = " Understanding Meningitis – Photo: Art / G1 / Archive "data-src ="×1627/984×0/smart/ filters: strip_icc () / i.s3. Meningitis – Photo: Art / G1 / Archive

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