Disney denies the creation of a theme park on Brazilian soil


According to the G1 Disney did not neglect the possibility of creating an amusement park in the future because he is always looking for new ways to get himself develop.

"Although Brazil is an attractive market, the construction of parks in the region is not envisaged," the company said. The governor of Brasilia, Ibanez Rocha (MDB), said that he had scheduled a meeting this week, where he would negotiate with representatives of the entertainment giant. GDF has always announced that it has reserved an area of ​​800 hectares in Sobradinho, where the amusement park would be built.

"These are projects for which we want to give a new economic profile to the DF," said the governor on Monday. )

Everardo Gueiros, secretary of DF's special projects, also said he could not give more information about the project so as not to harm the negotiations.

However, according to information provided by G1 no Disney executive would have scheduled a meeting with GDF to negotiate on the subject, and the government itself did not return on the issue after the company denied the negotiation of the project. Disney is a company that turns dreams into reality, it costs nothing to dream.

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