Five people are shot dead in an attempt to steal goods on Brazil Avenue | New Orleans hotels


Five people were shot dead in an attempt to steal goods on Brazil Avenue early in the afternoon (6). Shots were fired and three Shock Battalion (BPChq) officers, a doctor and a driver were hit. Prohibitions have been held since 12:30.

According to Colonel Mauro Fliess, a spokesman for the Prime Minister, security guards on the road are suspected and pursued a car with armed criminals escorting a cargo. There was an exchange of blows. Two MPs were injured by one shrapnel and another was struck in the eye. The three were saved at the Prime Minister's Central Hospital in Estácio.

A doctor, who was pbading near the place, was injured in shaving his head and rescued at the central army hospital, in Benfica, in the northern zone. The fifth victim, a truck driver, was hit in the chest and transferred to Souza Aguiar Hospital in the center. There is still no information on their state of health.

During the confusion, a person also stole the car. The case will be investigated in the 21st DP (Bonsucesso).

Earlier, a man had been arrested after escaping into cars. He offered cell phone cases to drivers in a traffic jam when plainclothes policemen followed him. The action was noticed by Globocop on Bom Dia Rio.

The exchange of gunfire between police and criminals occurred around 12:30 pm, at the time of Bonsucesso, on the western runway. Traffic was closed until 12:40.

In desperation, pbading drivers and pedestrians flung themselves on the ground to protect themselves from gunfire.

At the same time, drivers heading for Rio's traffic were faced with traffic jams.

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