We often have answers to almost all the questions and proposals that are supposed to solve all the problems. This is not the case, however, health plans. The authorities of the three branches of government, companies and entities have focused on the consequences of measures impacting these contracts – such as the provisional suspension up to 40% of the co-ownership, announced Monday the 16th Minister Carmen Lúcia, President of the STF Supreme Federal Court
But what is the output if in this area no one is satisfied? The citizen has great difficulty in contracting individual plans. Seniors, when they find an offer, are rarely able to pay for what is asked of them
Operators complain of lawsuits that grant treatment that is not part of the contract or the role of ANS ( National Agency of Supplementary Health).
The entities, as was the case of the OAB (Brazilian Bar Association) in the lawsuit that resulted in the injunction of the President of the STF, do not agree with ANS decisions. The minister defends herself and says that the standard suspended by the STF is constitutional.
Minister Carmen Lúcia said that it was strange that the regulation of co-participation was no longer taken into account in the right space of appreciation, discussion and deliberation. the National Congress. "
Why is there so much divergence and sense of value in private health because there is no easy solution." If the operators have losses, they If monthly payment prices continue to rise above general inflation, consumers and businesses (who are responsible for the health benefits of their employees) will no longer be able to pay for the plans.
private health occurs at the same time that the Unified Health System (SUS) is affected by the public deficit and chronic management problems
We should discuss it on a daily basis, without preconceptions or ideological confrontation, but more recently we We have discussed whether or not Neymar Jr. simulates his declines in the games he contests.We also painted for the election war, as if the ideas were spears or stones.
No candidate n? spoke clairem and in detail what he intends to do with Brazilian health (public and private). The idea would be to leave as is to see how that is? Tabulate health plans even if they are private? Releasing readjustments without worrying about the consumer
Precisely because there is no immediate answer, we should give due importance to this dilemma, before only half a dozen people have access to health insurance.
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