OnePlus X is not avenged but Bullets Wireless is a commercial success, reveals the CEO of the company


The first OnePlus smartphone targeting the mid-size device niche, OnePlus X, did not meet sales expectations because its price difference for high-end models was minimal, which means that customers prefer to invest in more profitable equipment

which forced the company to suspend the production of the laptop and to abandon launch devices out of the niche from the top of the line

]. Despite the "flop" sales of this product, at least one of the latest releases of the brand, the Bullets Wireless headphones, has got more attention from customers than expected.

On the success of product sales, in an interview to The official forum of the brand, CEO and co-founder of the company, Pete Lau, commented:

This is the first Bluetooth headset that we created, and the Bullets were very well received.

We are very excited about this and welcome all comments and contributions from our community to this new product!

Because of this positive feedback, our production quantity is below expectations, but we are doing what we can to ensure adequate stock in the future.

At the present time, the company is struggling with significant demand for the product – stocks never last very long, since production is less than what is needed.

But OnePlus is already working to normalize the situation and deliver its new accessory to all customers interested in obtaining it,

For those who are interested, the Wireless Bullets can be purchased pre-order via GearBest , for R $ 388.76 with delivery scheduled for the beginning of the month of August.

OnePlus X not yet available in Brazilian stores. To be notified when he arrives.
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