Civilian police indicted two people for storing and disclosing badgraphic photos and videos of a 15-year-old girl. The material was reportedly released after the victim was threatened by an ex of the girl's current boyfriend. A 22 year old man who has had a minor relationship is one of the suspects. The case has occurred in a city in the northern region of Tocantins.
According to the police, investigations began after photos and videos of the victim were published on WhatsApp. Investigations revealed that the girl had a relationship of about two weeks with the young man. At one of the meetings, the boy would have left the girl under the influence of alcohol and after having bad, the teenager took pictures and made a video intimate to the companion's request
After that, the ex girlfriend of the young discovers the relationship he began to threaten the teenager. She had access to badgraphic material and reported on the status of WhatsApp while talking to the teenager. For the police, the woman allegedly claimed only the boy who posted the photos.
"I do not want to know, it's nothing, I'm good with my horn, but you'll learn to play with someone else's male." According to the police, The young man was accused of having stored and leaked badgraphic photos and videos involving teens, offering alcoholic beverages to minors. 18 years and rape by fraud. In all, he faces a 20-year prison sentence.
The boy's ex-girlfriend has already been indicted for disclosing and storing badgraphic photos and videos of his teen. She may be sentenced to 10 years imprisonment
The case has been referred to the court, but both will answer the charges with complete freedom.