Romantic Couple in 'Time Does not Stop', Juliana Paiva and Nicolas Prattes Relate Together


Juliana Paiva and Nicolas Prattes brought the novel of "O tempo não para" to real life. The two actors, who will be romantic in the next novel of the seven, come out together. The idea of ​​Juliana and Nicolas was that the trelelê did not flee before the press conference of the soap opera, which happens on the 16th, not to take the focus of the characters Moroccoas and Samuca.

Dating, however, is not a secret among cast mates. Juliana and Nicolas were together at the Arraiá do Copacabana Palace last weekend. They exchanged kisses and caresses without hiding the atmosphere of romance to anyone.

In "The time does not stop", which opens on the 31st, Marocas spends 132 years to "wake up" in 2018, falls in love with Samuca, a young man of history .

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