Scientists create a system that sends sounds only heard by the receiver


Imagine that you want to hear someone who is trying to talk to you on the other side of a crowded room. considering how sound waves propagate, this situation would not really be very practical. But what would happen if it was possible to project sounds in the same way as light?

MIT researchers have thought about this and have come up with a system that can do this by using an audio transmission that can be "projected" into the ears of a specific person in the same way that it is. a laser emits a ray of light. It is an accurate and secure method, capable of transmitting music and even talking to the desired target – and better yet: without the content being heard by anyone.


This system works with photoacoustics, which generally means that sound waves result from an interaction between light and matter: the energy of light vibrates the material and the sound depends on these material vibrations. Thus, the team of researchers has created a system based on lasers that interact with the water vapor present in the air and thus generate the audible sound in a well defined orientation, which is sent from the transmitter to the receiver.

According to Charles M. Wynn, a researcher involved in the project, this system could be used over reasonable distances to send information directly to the ear of someone without broadcasting the sound. It is the first system that uses perfectly safe lasers for the eyes and skin to locate a sound signal for the desired target.

? In this case too, there is no problem: according to the researcher, this system can work even in the drier climatic conditions, because there is always a little water in the air, especially near people . The amount of water required for the application of this technology is small, provided of course that the laser uses wavelengths highly absorbed by water.

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