The inspection may be a risk of thickening the chain on the 2030 road


The new industrial policy for the automotive sector, called Rota 2030, should ultimately have more consistent effects on the supply chain.

The main motto of Route 2030, announced by means of an interim measure (MP) by President Michel Temer last Thursday (05), is the main obstacle to the success of the program. – which must be approved by the Congress 120 days after the date of publication – is the guarantee of R & D investment in the order of 5 billion reais per year by car manufacturers and manufacturers of the chain – on a voluntary basis – with the government offsetting tax refund of 10.2%. The estimated tax exemption is about 1.5 billion reais per year.

The president of the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers (Anfavea), Antonio Megale, ranked the program as a victory. "This is an important step for the industry, no other industry has long term policy.This brings predictability, which translates into increased investment and puts us in the foreground. of efficiency, "he told reporters.

For the director of the auto selling company Sell Out 3, Arnaldo Brazil, the new policy should not only bring more development to the market. local industry, but also a greater concentration of the supply chain. "Unlike the previous regime [Inovar-Auto] companies will now have to prove that they buy parts locally and that they invest in them. technologies to get tax incentives, "he says.

Inovar-Auto was announced by the government in the middle of 2011. 2011 and taxed the industrial goods tax (IPI) on imported vehicles 30 points. At that time, there was a vertiginous growth of imports, which had an impact on Brazil's trade balance and hurt car manufacturers with factories here. To contain this image, the auto scheme was done hastily and only punished the consumer, who paid more for the cars. It was a market reserve that was challenged by the WTO [Organização Mundial do Comércio]"the consultant recalls.

According to Brazil, the concern of the government and the industry when drafting Route 2030 was to propose a model that would more radically radiate benefits in the auto parts chain, which was completed last December in Inovar- Auto. )

Route 2030 also provides that the import tax rate for parties not containing domestic like products, which was already 2%, is zero, considering that the equivalent of this reduction be invested in R & D

However, the Sell Out 3 consultant highlights the main risk for the success of the program. "What is not clear, is how this investment control will be." It remains to be seen whether surveillance will be carried out in the same way as in Europe, for example on an annual basis, or if it will be the same as in Inovar-Auto, which will leave room for many questions. "

2030 were the continuity of the energy efficiency requirements of the new models, determinations for new serial items in vehicles and special rebates for investment in processes such as industry 4.0, connectivity, new propulsion technologies, among others

] The government also announced another MP who reduces the rate of l & # 39; 39; IPI for hybrid and electric vehicles from 25% to 7%, a long-standing share of Brazilian industry. For Brazil, the measure is positive and the reduction could have been greater if the supply of electricity, as well as the distribution legislation, favored the rapid expansion of these technologies.

Balance sheet

On Friday (06) Anfavea published the results of the performance of the automotive industry in June. Vehicle production rose 21.1% over June 2017. Exports rose 4% year-on-year, but declined 1.2% from May.

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