The Labor Judges' Association states that they want to blame the window for the landscape


Current Brazilian Network – The idea of ​​President Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) to extinguish the Labor Court, besides that it was wrong and harmless from a point of view practice, would provoke a "tremor" Republican in the vision of the president of Anamatra, the national badociation of magistrates, Guilherme Feliciano. "There is clearly a misunderstanding in the relationship between cause and consequence, which seeks to make the landscape responsible," he said in a statement released Friday.

"With regard to public management, if the problem arises that the President of the Republic identifies as an excessively protectionist labor law, generating more labor disputes than necessary – a thesis to be discussed in depth with society and the Brazilian Parliament – the proposal to simply abolish specialized labor courts

"Transferring this jurisdiction to ordinary justice does not change the situation," he says. It is not enough, "says Feliciano," that the labor judges have constitutional powers to badess the conflicts that are submitted to them. . "The labor dispute will continue in exactly the same way, under the guise of the same labor legislation and with the same obstacles in the economic field."

On the legal side, the president of Anamatra reminds us that this branch of the judiciary is provided for in Article 92 of the Constitution, which includes the Federal Supreme Court. "It is accepted that the President of the Republic or a Member of Parliament may, on his own initiative and without discussion with the President of the Federal Supreme Court, send to the National Congress a proposal to extinguish the

These arguments demonstrate, adds Feliciano, that Bolsonaro's proposal "conceals a very serious shock within the Federal Supreme Court".

These arguments demonstrate, adds Feliciano, that Bolsonaro's proposal "hides a very serious system of control on which the republican foundations rest".

The president of the badociation concludes by stating that the judiciary is open to "democratic dialogue" in search of alternatives built collectively, and states that "no tremor will be welcome".

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