The rescheduling of Community funds will give priority to businesses without access to credit


More than 51 companies have formalized payment contracts this morning, with the support of the regional government and co-financed by European funds, as part of the incentive schemes for investment and investment. operating a total amount of 1.4 million euros.

The ceremony was held in the auditorium of the Madeira Electricity Museum, in the presence of the president and the vice president of the regional government, which showed the importance of this initiative for the regional economy. Jorge Faria, who summarized the figures in question, said that the regional budget was responsible for 15% of the amount paid to date, with Community funds (ERDF) being paid at 85%. "We comply with the recommendations of the European Commission regarding the dissemination of the various actors, in this case to the business world", then justified this ceremony.

Jorge Faria also conducted an badessment of FDI activity in 2018, an excellent year of payments, "we also made sure that the agency's work did not not limited to payments ". Forty investment projects IS and 956 IS for operation, for a total amount of 246.2 million euros, of which 37.5 million are public incentives (regional and community). As of December 31st of last year, nearly 3,000 projects had been approved for an overall investment of 713 million euros and a total of nearly 130 million incentives. In terms of payments, in 2018 they amounted to 28.7 million and cumulative since 2016 to a total of 64.7 million. In addition, by the end of the year, 227 pending applications were still subject to a decision – making process between February and March, in addition to the payment requests of S & # 's. 39, rising to 1,063, of which 858 shipped and 205 on examination.

The head of the FDI reminded that the reprogramming of Community funds, approved for the whole country, had resulted in Madeira an increase of the funds intended for the competitiveness of the economy and that "for the moment are created the necessary conditions to open new phases for the economic fabric", but left the warning that "the big concern is to continue to be selective among the companies supported, to contribute to create jobs and quality and to favor companies that have difficulty accessing finance in other ways, "he concluded. will soon launch a call for international public offerings for a competitive line, specifically to facilitate access to small businesses. "

Albuquerque Confident Despite Uncertainties

The President of the Regional Government of Madeira then delivered a speech on his confidence in the regional economy and the measures taken. that the five years of economic growth in the region (indicator of regional economic activity [IRAE] did not develop 65 months ago) were not affected by external factors.

Miguel Albuquerque was particularly Concerned about the uncertainties of the (1%) "engine" of the European economy, Germany, but ensured that, in addition to tourism seeking to recover the flow of issuing markets, the regional government better use community funds to avoid adverse effects on the regional economy

The Governor also points out what he considers to be the three badumptions. economic prosperity, namely confidence, political stability and social stability, which Madeira has now demonstrated. So he left the alert: "It's not going there with imaginary exercises and little discussions or Facebook photos."

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