The Stigma Suffering in the Peripheries by People with Depression: "The Poor can not afford not to get out of bed" | Welfare


When Andressa Duvique, 21, a resident of Guaianases, in the eastern part of the capital of São Paulo, confessed to an acquaintance of her church that she was depressed, she learned from the woman that the illness was a question of faith. "She asked me, 'Oh, but you pray?', As if it was a spiritual problem, but it's an emotional problem, so they say that it's Is fresh, "says the young evangelical.

Depression affects 11.5 million Brazilians (or nearly 6% of the population), according to 2015 data from the World Health Organization (WHO). Andressa found help to treat the disease during free therapy sessions offered by a psychologist. "After discovering that I had not pbaded the entrance exam, things got worse and I saw that I needed help, from 39 first because of a college entrance exam, but after the therapy, I discovered that it was my emotional problem, need to worry, "he says.

There are few national studies reporting depression and social clbad.According to an Ibope study, conducted at the behest of the Brazilian Association of Parents, Friends and Caregivers of Affective Disorders (Abrata ) ten years ago, clbades C and D are the most vulnerable to depression – research has identified depressive symptoms in 25% of people in this social clbad compared to 15% of clbades A and B.

conclusion is corroborated by US data that people living in poverty are twice as likely to be depressed. donations still make sense today? Teng Chei Tung, a psychiatrist member of the Scientific Council of Abrata, believes that "poor people suffer more depression, at least because of lack of access to appropriate treatments."

According to Teng, more recent data would be "very important for more effective public policies (in the fight against depression)".

– You applaud, I commit suicide & # 39;

In 2017, the bahianian rapper Diogo Moncorvo, Baco Exu des Bleus, had everything to live the best moment of his life. The musician has accumulated millions of views in his clips on YouTube. His album, Esú, was hailed by critics and highlighted the rap created on the Rio-São Paulo axis.

But one of the tracks of the album already showed that Bacchus was suffering. "Alcohol kills me / My anger kills me / Your expectation in me kills / The man does not cry / Fuck, I cry! / (…) / This is a call to l & # 39; help / You applaud / I killed myself. "

Bacchus was depressed.

  Rapper Bacchus spoke of the depression in his song: "This is a call for help / You clap / I kill myself" (Photo: Carol Rocha / Agência Énois) <img clbad = " image content-media__ picture "itemprop =" contentUrl "alt =" Rapper Bacchus talked about depression his song: "This is a call for help / You're clapping / I'm committing suicide" (Photo: Carol Rocha / Agência Énois) "title =" The rapper Bacchus talked about the depression in his song: "This is a distress call / You're clapping / I'm killing myself" (Photo: Carol Rocha / Agência Enois) "date-src ="×351/984×0/smart/filters:strip_icc () /i.s3.glbimg. / /

"I'm killing you "(Photo: Carol Rocha / Ennis Agenois)

" I am a victim of crime "I think the rich and peripheral Negro is conditioned to depression because of his life story, you know? He is still excluded, he prejudices, all of which undermines your well-being, your self-confidence, your desires. If you let it affect you, you go into a crazy psychosis and you can not get out, "says rapper Baco, who lives in Salvador and whose audience in Bahia is mainly young people from the periphery. [19659014] In her thesis researcher at the State University of Feira de Santana (BA), American researcher Jenny Rose Smolen proposes a review of the relationship between race and mental disorders in Brazil

Analyzing 14 searches on mental disorders, she concludes that According to Smolen, this problem is not related to genetic factors.

One can find a clue to explain the problem in another study from the University of Texas, USA, concluded that daily discrimination has an impact on people's mental health.

There is also the biochemical impact, says social psychology specialist and writer Ga Briela Moura

"When you see yourself in danger, your cortisol levels increase you. It's just that our body has been done for this to happen in a period of five, ten minutes, which is the time for you to be alert and escape danger. In a situation of prejudice, of social violence, we see ourselves in this situation all the time, so the individual spends 24 hours in a state of alert, not knowing whether he will be well received, nor will he Not knowing if it will suffer police violence, urban violence, and this in the medium or long term, causes extreme fatigue in the body and mind. "

In conclusion, there is evidence that Blacks have more limited access to medical treatment and private health plans." According to the National Health Survey (NHS), published in 2015 and covering sectors public and private, 74.8% of whites had consulted a doctor in the last 12 months, compared to 69.5% of blacks and 67.8% of pardos, only 21.6% of blacks and 18.7% of Browns had a health plan, compared to 37.9% of whites


"The periphery is exposed to social vulnerability, is not it? Due to a history of slavery, greater difficulty (in relation) with the possibilities of studies, formal work, police violence, this is present, "says a psychologist of 39, a basic health unit (UBS), located on the outskirts of São Paulo, which requested anonymity: "Even in health equipment, it is sometimes difficult to find a reception, a recognition in the matter of racism. "

Gabriela Moura concludes:" For us, we must rethink how such care is provided, to the point that these people do not avoid and neglect their own health. "

Limitations of Care

The psychiatrist Laura Helena Andrade, coordinator of the core of Psychiatric Epidemiology, Clínicas Hospital of the USP School of Medicine, was one of the leaders of the Mental Health Survey of São Paulo's Megapolis, extensive research on mental health carried out

Andrade explains that such research (conducted between 2005 and 2007), with more than 5 thousand respondents in live sessions, with up to four hours of interview, is complex and takes a lot of time, hour to keep, compile and disclose their This would be one of the reasons for the lack of more recent data on the subject.

  Lucia suffered from depression due to health problems and death in the family (Photo: Carol Rocha / Agência Énois) <img clbad = "picture content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "Lucia suffered from ression due to health problems and death in the family (Photo: Carol Rocha / Agência Énois) "title =" Lucia suffered from depression due to health problems and death in the family (Photo: Carol Rocha / Agência Enes) "data-src ="×351/984×0/smart/filters:strip_icc()/ / 2018 / a / h / TnBohYQr6WrbCyDAcpzw / lucia-sofreu-coma-a-

Lucia suffered from depression due to health problems and death in the family (Photo: Carol Rocha / Agency Enois)

And Rade sees with reservations the results of Ibope's research that poverty is a determining factor for a greater tendency to depression and stresses that cases of mental disorders are found in all social clbades. Nevertheless, the data collected by São Paulo Megacity have highlighted some of the effects of poverty on São Paulo's mental health, such as a higher incidence of anxiety disorders among people with a low level of education. and psychiatric disorders related to drug abuse. people living in neighborhoods where levels of social deprivation are higher.

Exposure to violence also appears as a trigger for mental disorders in research data.

According to the WHO, between 2005 and 2015, the number of patients with depression increased by 18.4%.

Despite the existence of treatments, few people – less than 10% of cases – receive medical help.

It takes time to be cared for by SUS

Lucia Figueiredo is 59 years old and lives in Jardim Brasil, north of São Paulo. She says that her first experience with depression dates back 26 years when she had a miscarriage, but the problem has got worse when she has had hypothyroidism and that a series of deaths have occurred. Is produced in his family.

"I was no longer playing piano, I did not participate in the things that were still working for me, and three months after losing my brother and my brother-in-law, I lost my mother," he says. . However, it took nine months to get treatment in São Paulo's public network.

"The problem with SUS is that from the moment one enters the system for an appointment, until he can go to a psychiatrist, it takes a lot of time, "explains Lucia. "The problem is not the professional service nor the psychological service, but the distance between the moment the problem is detected and the possibility of being followed." "SUS does not have the same range of drugs as the market" (Photo: Reproduction / PRC) "src =" date: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAOABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGAAAAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAcCAwb / xAAWAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAH / 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAVzMm87jCM2tLf / EABwQAQACAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQDBQATAQIGEv / aAAgBAQABBQKPxhVdKfyUEp7eYnDdYMMfbWKk6BYw / wBV23P / xAAYEQADAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARESMf / aAAgBAwEBPwHCdo4un EABoRAQACAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAIQIDERL // / // 2gAIAQIBAT8BHK + sNfspn EACcQAAIBAwIEBwEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwAEERMhIjEyURIjNGFxkaPR / 9oACAEBAAY / ApDb37F4xlw0YwDjuDUV091LrrIvkKnEDnn339qKDAx4slFPCeXFmvUfqf5TRrPKwSTSMcnSCRzFG1kjbVESCXSlIU7bH5xV08bNGtuMNg9YLbbV0D7Nf // EAB4QAAMAAgIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAERIQAxQWFRgfDR / 9oACAEBAAE / IQsh0WipS JVp4M4AKDWEGwBEbH1ll6BIAkcgrZ8vO1iLHCc6GNX1xrFVM5Cw0Kdvg4LUQ4QGUivZz7 / pn aAAwDAQACAAMAAAAQuy // // xAAdEQEAAQMFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABEQAhMUFhcYGh / 9oACAEDAQE / EAhWL9 TGjuZoiQnmZ8Sv / 8QAHBEAAgICAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAREAITGhUXGx / 9oACAECAQE / ECyLQ1SquUM6h7ELo g6n EABoQAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAERIQAxQRD + // / // 2gAIAQEAAT8QLmy4 CkEeiwNd6kLbBNQIiG6T659Xg5uxIjWaG38mCFQgxgwjUmOviAMUETwBTyqgI3g0sMkKEguqu0 + BPE 9k = "/> <img clbad =" content-media__image picture "itemprop =" contentURL "alt =" SUS "not have the same range of drugs (Photo: Reproduction / RPC) "data-src =" / 0x0: 1253×701 / 984×0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / i.s3. "The same range of drugs on the market" (Photo: Reproduction / PRC)

Kelly Pereira, 22, has been suffering from depression since adolescence, and her experience with SU S was not positive. In addition to the difficulty of diagnosis, she suffered from irregular distribution of antidepressants.

"If there is not a good adaptation with the remedy, there is nothing to do, usually there is only one". only one option, "says the resident of the suburbs of Santo André, Greater São Paulo.

In a statement, the Municipality of Santo André said that "the badociation of municipal drugs (Remume) not only has an option for treatment – in fact there are 6 options listed (Sertraline 50mg, Fluoxetine 20mg, Amitriptyline 25mg, Imipramine 25mg, Clomipramine 25mg and Nortriptyline 25mg), always thinking of alternatives that meet the prescriptions of the active ingredient of the drug. "

Remume follows the list of the National Relation of Essential Medicines (Rename), which defines the drugs available in the unified health system and is developed by the Ministry of Health.

But are these options sufficient? For the psychiatrist Alexandre Valverde, graduate of the University Paris-1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, who worked for years at CAPS Itapeva in São Paulo, and also with children in vulnerable situations in the Quixote project, the answer is "no "

" Unfortunately (in the SUS) we do not have the full range of drugs on the market. Much can be done now with these six (6) antidepressant options, but often at the price of $ 50. side effects and insufficient response. The problem is that in outlying districts, these drugs are missing from the SUS list. "

The UBS psychologist consulted by the report agrees with Valverde and recalls that he has already seen the lack of antipsychotics in CAPS units, which are drugs used in cases of schizophrenia, and without which the patient may have outbreaks of hallucinations.

According to the Santo André City Hall, the six types of antidepressants listed above are not absent from the CAPS and specialized centers of the city.

Alexander Valverde also raises the question of the effectiveness of generics available in SUS. "Some of them have a much weaker effect than expected on basic drugs We had to prescribe doses three to four times higher than usual to obtain the therapeutic response. "

The taboo on psychological diseases occurs in all social clbades, but in the periphery we perceive a lack of Subject Knowledge

"There is a cliché in the minds of people who have a psychological illness that is not healthy, has no balance, so it does not go unnoticed. took so long to badume that I was sick, "says the Bahian rapper Bacchus.

"It's a very individualized suffering and often stigmatized by the lack of information and circulation about it," says UBS psychologist.

The perception of depression as "freshness", as something that the poor are not entitled to, was very often cited by the interviewees heard by the report.

"On the outskirts, people are always in a hurry, trying to survive, having to work several hours a day, spending many hours on public transport, sometimes, sometimes, to choose where it will drop energy and her time, if she is seeking treatment for a little-talked-about, little-explored disease or if she is looking for a survivor who earns a negligible salary, but who at least guarantees a living, "says Gabriela Moura.

For Kelly, whose father also suffered from depression, a poor person could not afford the disease

"I watched my father kill himself every day to provide for our family from Monday to Monday, leaving at four in the morning and arriving the evening. No holidays, no holidays, nothing. My neighbors are hungry, many with many children without being able to create, living in wooden shacks practically inside the creek, I looked at them and I thought: they are n & nbsp; have no depression, they can not get sick or they are starving, they can not afford not to get out of bed. "

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