Varicose veins: how to treat – Life


The use of high heels does not increase the incidence of varicose veins, nor climbing stairs or jumping. On the contrary, because they are movements that contract the calf (the "second heart" located in the leg) helping to pump blood. Such justifications are myths. In fact, it's overweight, sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, age, and especially genetics, which cause unwanted ramifications in the skin.

To refer to varicose veins as a purely aesthetic problem is another gross error. It is a disease and, as such, lack of treatment in the early stages can pose risks to wearers. "Due to its progressive nature, the manifestations worsen over time and can reach severe stages, including the formation of wounds that take a long time to heal," says Dr. Frederico Augusto of Carvalho Linhares Filho, president of the Brazilian Society of Angiology. (19659003)

The basis of therapy is in changing habits, the use of elastic stockings and medications which reduces inflammation of the veins and symptoms.

Among the technologies incorporated in the invasive treatment is surgery (laser and radio frequency), while the use of foam is among the least invasive techniques. It consists of a puncture of the affected vein (guided by ultrasound) with a needle and the injection of a sclerosing substance that will cause inflammation and occlusion of the vessel. The procedure is done at the office and does not require anesthesia.

The presence of allergy in relation to drugs and immobility is contraindicated. Pain and edema in the treated vein (improvement up to 30 days) and hyperpigmentation in the vascular pathway are side effects. Patches can occur in 20% of cases and disappear within a maximum of one year.

The application of glucose to treat small vessels requires prior badessment. Caution must be even greater regarding the use of ozone, as there is no scientific evidence on the effectiveness and safety of this technique. Dr. Frederico Linhares also quotes the repudiation note issued by the Federal Council of Medicine against the bill that authorizes ozonotherapy.

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