Vice President and President Alerj reports receiving threats | New Orleans hotels


Deputies Andre Ceciliano (PT) and Dani Monteiro (PSOL), deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro (Alerj), reported Monday that they had received threats.

Ceciliano said in an interview with RJ2 that he was escorted because he was threatened with death by the Mayor of Japeri, Carlos Moraes (PP). The MP said in a social media article that her car was threatened on 1 February, after being in possession of her vehicle in Alerj

According to Ceciliano, Moraes' threats, arrested since the 39; last year, suspected of involvement in drug trafficking, was even made in prison.

"There is an investigation and I've been heard because he says he's going to kill me," he told the director of Bangu 8. We take care of myself, I've been escorting it for 40 days, but unfortunately, that's all.The reality is that we have to take care of ourselves, "said

<img clbad =" progressive-draft "alt = Dani Monteiro (PSOL) and two other MPs pay tribute to Marielle Franco at the plenary session of Alerj two other MPs pay tribute to Marielle Franco on the floor of ALERJ – photo: Marcos Serra Lima / G1 "src = "data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAARABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGQAAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUDBgcE / 8QAGAEAAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwQAAgX / 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAcvVPHKWzl6rTogOUS5hRTiSBC // x AAdEAACAgMAAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAIFAAETMjM1 / 9oACAEBAAEFAlF2qsNhsThdpGGv1llBeSUWsxyt5TU2tnNbAeI / Wt8zP // EABwRAAEEAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAQMSBCFBMf / aAAgBAwEBPwG4i1Hb3qgwSygvEWlDxAv / xAAeEQABAwQDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBBESEyIyQf / aAAgBAgEBPwHW5edySfS7F6FX1I / T / 8QAKhAAAQIDBgQHAAAAAAAAAAAAAgEDABESBBMhMTJxEEFhgSIjNHKRssH / Vh + 2gAIAQEABj8CAnQdsqopNmpDq50KK54QLONncFNZaVXPtCGKVSxKhZ4dUjIYd89u7nOi0heS2hLQ8CC88PjKcr4uRCPVMICph8WdJVkkqu0enb / b9hfakWzcPvw // xAAhEAEBAAEDAwUAAAAAAAAAAAABEQAxQfAhYcEQUXGB0f / aAAgBAQABPyEtipKZaxDKfGNhauxLEA3SZAGC / wCUTznLMnJa0BqdZL0hqzNBrhbWHRCtteuOqHEo6AVXQn1nJPOc3tzge c77vT + / 2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAEOHXo // EAB0RAAICAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERACExcVFhgdH / 2gAIAQMBAT8QZnkpRogBUuckql4AxAKurHWluY6fZjP / xAAeEQEAAQQCAwAAAAAAAAAAAAABEQAhMYFRsXGRwf / aAAgBAgEBPxDEC02UEZefQCzO6lpbm0Od12fSsPJ6K // EAB0QAQEAAgMAAwAAAAAAAAAAAAERITEAEFFBofD / 2gAIAQEAAT8QNO1gSMUBSFoF0I5 / CBhBhoFkGGZnAQA4sXzS6nWjdj0QZic3FAe0SjDrN4cI9S + <img clbad = "picture content-media__ picture" itemprop = " contentUrl "alt =" Dani Monteiro (PSOL) and two other MEPs pay tribute to Marielle Franco in plenary session (MEP) and two other MEPs pay tribute to Marielle Franco at the Alerj plenary session – Photo: Marcos Serra Lima / G1 "data-src =" https: / / / / / / Dani Monteiro (PSOL) and two other MPs pay tribute to Marielle Franco at the Alerj plenary session Photo: Marcos Serra Lima / G1 [19659007] Ms. Dani Monteiro said that all "Security and verification measures are underway. We will not be intimidated! "

" It is unfortunate to receive these threats the day I take office. This is further evidence of the fragility of democracy today, "he said.

According to the deputy minister's office, the police reportedly requested the recording of images from nearby buildings, but he There is still no date for the investigation. G1 contacted the civilian police about the complaint filed by the MP but received no response until the report was released. to contact the defense of the mayor of Japeri, but has not yet replied

Ceciliano does not believe that the threats against him are related to the attack suffered on Monday by an employee of his office , while he was entering a community in Penha, in the Rio Norte.

Ronaldo Veloso Ribeiro was hit in the hospital when he tried to fight his way down Calle Castelo Branco, but as soon as he entered the place, he found a barricade in the community known as Cinco Bocas

Ronaldo even tried to tell the criminals that he had taken the wrong turn and turned around without obeying the order of the arrest given by the traffickers. The ball touched the trunk of the car and Ronaldo continued driving until he found the military police. He was taken to Getúlio Vargas hospital where he is hospitalized.

Ronaldo has been working as an badistant in André Ceciliano's office since September 2015 after being approached by the Department of Roads, the original body. According to the State Department of Health, the employee was operated on to remove the ball and pbaded well.

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