Vladimir Putin condemns the use of force to "change the political situation" in Venezuela | World


At a meeting with Nicolás Maduro on Tuesday (5), Russian President Vladimir Putin repudiated "any attempt to change the political situation in Venezuela by the use of force", in addition to acts of "manifest terrorist nature" against the regime.

"We know that the situation in Venezuela remains complicated, and we support efforts to achieve an understanding of society and the normalization of relations with the opposition," Putin said.

href = "https://twitter.com/hashtag/Video?Src = hash & ref_src = twsrc% 5Etfw" url = "https://twitter.com/hashtag/Video?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw "> #Video <! – > | It was the meeting between the pt. href = "https://twitter.com/NicolasMaduro?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" url = "https://twitter.com/NicolasMaduro?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw"> @NicolasMaduro <! – > his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow href = "https://t.co/LJJrYeWBoU" url = "https://t.co/LJJrYeWBoU"> pic.twitter.com/LJJrYeWBoU <! – >

On December 5, 2018

Maduro thanked Putin for his support and said that Venezuela was facing "various threats and aggression". They did not detail the terrorist actions mentioned.

  US President Donald Trump expresses himself in front of a reporter in the White House Garden - Photo: Reuters / Jonathan Ernst "President Trump admitted that Venezuela has" convincing "options [19659005] Journalists in the Garden of the White House - photo: Reuters / Jonathan Ernst   US President Donald Trump, speaking to reporters in the garden of the White House House - Photo: Reuters / Jonathan Ernst "title =" The US President Donald Trump addresses reporters from the White House Garden - Photo: Reuters / Jonathan Ernst "data-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com/qj0qhqq President of the United States, Donald Trump, s & Address to journalists in the White House Garden - Photo: Reu [Getty Images] ters / Jonathan Ernst </p>
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  • Analysis: Risks of a military intervention in Venezuela

A few days before the visit to Putin, Maduro met Turkish President Recep Ta yyip Erdogan in Caracas to sign cooperation agreements. The two presidents also adopted a position of mutual support at the meeting.

  Nicolás Maduro shows a Bolivian sovereign note, a coin that becomes valid in Venezuela Monday (20) - Photo: Palace Miraflores / Handout via REUTERS   Nicolas Maduro shows the sovereign note bolivar, currency Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela had signed a memorandum of understanding with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Monday (20) - Photo: Palace of Miraflores / Document via REUTERS

Nicolás Maduro shows a sovereign rating of bolívar , piece that goes through. [/ B] [/ b] [la citation nécessaire] [la citation nécessaire] [la citation nécessaire] [la citation nécessaire] [la citation nécessaire] (19659014) The two presidents also talked about the economic situation in Venezuela, where inflation is expected to reach eight digits in 2019. The idea of ​​the meeting is to conclude a bilateral agreement after, according to the Putin's badessment that the two countries are going through "very difficult times with a significant reduction in trade".

"I think we find the point that helps us survive, and then we launch a comprehensive and comprehensive economic program that fully cooperates with Russian-Venezuelan relations," Maduro said. The details of the treaty have not yet been unveiled by both governments.

  Nicolás Maduro, President of Venezuela, meeting with Vladimir Putin - Photo: Maxim Shemetov / Reuters "title =" Nicolás Maduro, President of Venezuela, meeting with Vladimir Putin - Photo: Maxim Shemetov / Reuters "src =" date : image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAARABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGAAAAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGBwT / xAAXAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFBAED / 9oADAMBAAIQAxAAAAGGucesFE2XLn6ITm2cAhkktCWb / 8QAHhAAAQQBBQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAECAwUAERUyMzT / 2gAIAQEAAQUC0QllLYWExRj0aTimPhmhNWEK0t53zbsZh / eH4SOWf // EACARAAAGAAcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEExEhMTRyscH / 2gAIAQMBAT8BYXHZj1qI7Mc / CFpCfu3uSuwnQf / EACARAAECBQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAgMEITLBBRESInH / 2gAIAQIBAT8B1p8Sbj7Qz0bQZXEihUtY3zCfcv / EACgQAAIBAQcBCQAAAAAAAAAAAAECAAMEEhMhMXGxERAyM0FCY4KSof / aAAgBAQAGPwIVBhU / RhJrp3pSZ2KriCmtO51Urv5GWk 63M0hUZDLOWe2UbptNDqGV8wSC + M / qfyGpTfDvEsyjeeMY / wAeJaNxxDt2f // EACEQAQACAQQBBQAAAAAAAAAAAAEAESExQVHwcRBhgaHB / 9oACAEBAAE / IXMwRK0oaHnzrMIAhj0XndGd9IBBcNfOY5ShJaU1FjzKgsKK7Kt1u2LiebRbsvzOyTs + yddzn2f56f / aAAwDAQACAAMAAAAQsHe // 8QA GhEBAQADAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAREAIVEx8P / aAAgBAwEBPxAUEkrQBIG71aG2Rlxvq59rvPPP / 8QAGxEBAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAxESFBUaH / 2gAIAQIBAT8QBgReivWfNAXoz2BCwnxovn // xAAhEAEBAAIABQUAAAAAAAAAAAABEQAhEFGh0fAxQYGx8f / aAAgBAQABPxDVBaErlQjteZoMW2gaUdgUW5pTq4XdFg1Xdv6y / k748A5xSKWmj06Zqf0vCwRCKC + 6Iz0QebnYXQj4zz zOm4dD5Xnwf + / Z "/> <picture itemscope=   Nicolas Maduro, president of Venezuela, during & # 39; a meeting with Vladimir Putin - Photo: Maxim Shemetov / Reuters "title =" Nicolás Maduro, President of Venezuela, at a meeting with Vladimir Putin - Photo: Maxim Shemetov / Reuters "data-src =" https: //s2.glbimg. com / lVX14H -rc13622adc40-rtrmadp-3-russ Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro meets Vladimir Putin - Photo: Maxim Shemetov / Reuters </p>
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The South American country is facing a humanitarian crisis due to the violent political crisis and its collapse economic development. The number of refugees and migrants who have left Venezuela reaches 3 million worldwide, announced the United Nations last month.

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