Worming and clean places are essential for dogs – 07/16/18 – SOROCABA AND REGION


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Puppies can be born with worms transmitted by the placenta or acquire through bad milk – PIXABAY.COM "/>

Puppies can be born with worms transmitted by the placenta or acquired by bad milk – PIXABAY.COM

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Most people worry about deworming their pets, only when a new four-legged member comes home. This care, however, must be frequent. After all, all dogs can have worms and other endoparasites, such as Giardia, that can be transmitted to humans.

The diagnosis of verminosis is made by blood tests and faeces and the treatment must be done with drugs prescribed by the trusted veterinarian. "Prevention is done with doses of worms that must be indicated by the veterinarian according to the type of worm and the weight of the animal. For puppies, the drug is usually administered with the first vaccines of pets" explains the veterinarian, Ricardo Cabral.

Some dogs may be born with worms that are transmitted through the placenta or through bad milk. In adult animals, the infection can occur orally or cutaneously. In the first case, the animal ingests eggs or larvae present in the soil, in the water or in very humid places. However penetration through the skin can happen even if it does not present any injury. There is also the possibility of transmission of some worms by vectors, such as mosquitoes. This is the case of the heartworm.

In adult animals, no clinical signs are generally observed. Some may rub anus on the floor (bad pruritus), have diarrhea, appear opaque and not want to play or walk. But the vast majority of parasites are asymptomatic, which reinforces the need to take the dog to the vet at least once a year.

Worms can be housed in different parts of the body such as the heart, stomach, kidneys, lungs, esophagus, eyes, intestines, liver and even the brain host. When this happens, they can cause serious damage to the organ.

Environmental monitoring is the main prevention measure. Therefore, guardians should always take care of the excrement disposal, avoid that the animal does the needs in a closed place and that does not beat the sun. This is because moisture promotes larval survival and helps worms grow. If the animal stays at the daycare, it is very important to check the hygiene of the place.

Attention to Children

Parasites can be dangerous for humans, especially for children. It is that the eggs of the worm can be housed in the hairs, around the tail and in other areas of the dog and be transmitted to the hands of pups when petting or playing with the animal. . >

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