Breath of the Wild ending is much better if you beat everything else


Breath of the Wild has multiple endings depending on the length of the game, and the real ending is much better than normal.

Nintendo The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a grand adventure that is as much about toxic expectations as it is about solemn exploration of lush landscapes, but only players who take the time to complete their adventure before defeating Ganon would understand. Compared to the rest of the experience, many players felt that the end of Breath of the wild did not meet the expectations of the adventure that preceded it. A thorough reading of the title’s main quests can help alleviate this problem by providing the context needed to connect the threads of the story.

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In his heart, Breath of the wild is an unprecedented game of choice and freedom. After completing the non-linear tutorial area on the Grand Plateau, players have the luxury of exploring the world as they see fit. There are no restricted areas in the open world of The legend of Zelda Hyrule, which means as long as it exists on the map, it’s possible to go there and, possibly, take on some sort of challenge. Not two playthroughs of Breath of the wild are the same and by extension this means that some players have defeated Ganon before they have completed other important main story objectives.

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Like most games, there is a plethora of main quests to complete in Breath of nature, except that this THE Legend of Zelda the adventure does not require players to complete any of these objectives except to defeat Ganon. It is possible to complete Breath of the wild without having any idea what happened or why things are as they are, much like a FromSoftware title. Breath of the wild The final boss can be underwhelming from a gameplay perspective, but the ending itself changes if players manage to piece together each of Link’s memories before taking Calamity head-on.

How Zelda’s story ends her bite


The story of Breath of the wild is convinced because Link and the player have the same knowledge of Hyrule at all times. Link has amnesia, and as such, it is up to the player to uncover his lost memories and find out what happened 100 years ago that led to the great calamity and death of the pilots of the Divine Beast. . By doing this, players also learn about Princess Zelda and how she struggled to master the sealing powers she is meant to master. Her true passion lies in the study of ancient technology, but her father and his nation demand that she put these desires aside so that she can seal Calamity Ganon with Link and the Champions on her side. In these memories, she is clearly not sure about her shortcomings and it gradually consumes her overtime.

In the last memory, she finally taps into her goddess powers, but only after Link is badly injured. His powers were won after a great struggle, but players who rush to Ganon’s lair wouldn’t know about him and will take his powers for granted. In Breath of the wild True ending, Zelda mentions that she can no longer hear the voice in Master Sword, but she is actually okay with that. Zelda managed to overcome the pressure on her shoulders and become the person she wanted to be. Breath of the wild is a story about overcoming societal pressures from authority figures, relatives, and peers, but only players who have lived through the story would be able to pull it off.

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