Brian Eno, Beach House, Santigold will mark the Omega Mart exhibition


Brian Eno, Beach House and Santigold are among the musical artists contributing to the upcoming Las Vegas Omega Mart exhibition, as Brooklyn vegan reports. Produced by Santa Fe-based arts and entertainment group Meow Wolf, the permanent exhibit will open at the AREA15 experiential complex on February 18.

The supermarket-themed exhibit is described as “an extraordinary supermarket” where visitors to the interactive and immersive art exhibit can “discover portals leading to surreal worlds full of unexpected landscapes filled with art in which to play. . “

The musical artists, who also include Amon Tobin, Pleasure Corporation and El Búho, created scores for the soundtracks for the exhibition. In a video for Omega Mart, Willie Nelson, a deepfake, takes a trippy visit to the wacky grocery store, where people and glitchy goods transform.

According to a statement, the exhibition will feature some 250 projects by more than 325 creators, including local and international artists. It will house four anchor spaces with “60 additional unique environments, such as rooms filled with facilities, terrains and portals to other worlds”.


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