Brian Sicknick, policeman who died after the Capitol attack, lie in honor on the Capitol


Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick, who died of injuries after the pro-Trump uprising on Jan.6 on Capitol Hill, will be honored in the Rotunda next week.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Friday that Sicknick’s body will arrive on Capitol Hill Tuesday at 9:30 p.m. ET for a viewing ceremony for Capitol Police agents overnight. On Wednesday morning, members of Congress will have a viewing period, followed by a tribute from lawmakers.

“The United States Congress is united in sorrow, gratitude and solemn appreciation for the service and sacrifice of Officer Brian Sicknick,” Schumer and Pelosi said in a statement Friday. “The heroism of Officer Sicknick and the Capitol Police in the violent insurgency against our Capitol has helped save lives, defend the temple of our democracy, and ensure that Congress is not diverted from our duty to the Constitution. His sacrifice reminds us every day of our obligation to our country and to the people we serve. “

“Lying in good standing” is generally reserved for elected officials, which is why the Sicknick ceremony is referred to as “lying in honor”.

Breach of the Capitol
This undated image provided by US Capitol Police shows US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick.


“May this ceremony and the fact that so many people cry and pray for them as a comfort to Officer Sicknick’s family during this sad time,” said Pelosi and Schumer.

Republican South Carolina Rep. Ralph Norman and Senator Tim Scott had requested the ceremony earlier this week. On Thursday they introduced a bill asking the House Sergeant-at-Arms to pay Sicknick’s funeral expenses and put up a commemorative plaque in the building.

Sicknick’s family thanked congressional leaders and those who sent condolences in a statement on Saturday.

“Knowing that our personal tragedy and loss is shared by our nation brings hope for a recovery,” the family said.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the ceremonies will be closed to the general public.

Sicknick, who joined the Capitol Police in 2008 after serving in the New Jersey Air National Guard, sustained head injuries “while physically engaging with protesters,” police said. When he returned to his division office, he collapsed and died in a hospital the day after the riot. He was 42 years old.

Sicknick was one of the many who died in the attack, which led to the second impeachment of former President Donald Trump for inciting insurgency.

So far, federal prosecutors have loaded at least 172 people for their alleged roles in the riot and opened more than 400 investigations into possible criminals. At least 15 of those arrested are veterans and two are currently serving in the Army Reserve, according to military service records obtained by CBS News.

Sicknick will be buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

Nikole Killion contributed to this report.


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