Britney Spears and her family believe Sam Lutfi is threatened with death


Britney Spears won a legal victory by avoiding his former director Sam Lutfi from fearing that he was behind a new campaign of harassment and death threats against his family.

A Los Angeles judge on Wednesday granted Spears a temporary prohibition order against Lutfi, ordering him not to contact the singer or his family. Insiders say Spears and her parents believe that Lutfi – who ran her from 2007 to 2008 – is behind the recent #FreeBritney fan outcry about the conservative tutelage her father, Jamie, had on her.

"If you connect the points, it leads Sam to be on all this," an insider told us. "People have sent death threats and suspect that they are the same people behind #FreeBritney."

Another source told us that Lutfi has been harassing people in the singer's circle since leaving a mental health facility two weeks ago.

He texted and called his mother, Lynne, according to the court documents, offering him money to challenge the custody. The documents also indicate that Lutfi has published "derogatory and threatening comments" on social media, including calling the public to "create a hell" to free Britney.

A representative of the star did not comment.

A source added, "Sam is trying to creep back into Britney's life. His family fears that he could have a dangerous impact on his mental health. "

The court records also claim that he threatened to disclose private documents from his past.

Britney reportedly told Lutfi her collapse of 2007, and the family was convinced that he was drugging her.

Spears' mom wrote in his 2008 book, "Through the Storm: A True Story of Glory and Family in a Tabloid World", claiming that Lutfi had slipped Adderall into the singer's food, which he had denied .

Lutfi did not return our request for comment, but his lawyer said on Wednesday: "We are disappointed with the results. We believe it is too broad and violates Mr. Lutfi's constitutional rights. We look forward to discussing the matter further at the hearing with a view to obtaining a more permanent blocking order on May 28th. "


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