Britney Spears Attends Court Hearing – Rolling Stone


Britney Spears appeared in a Los Angeles courtroom Friday with her two parents to talk with the judge overseeing the singer's ten-year curatorial role.

Judge Brenda Penny emptied the courtroom before the hearing so that only Spears, her mother Lynne and her father Jamie – also a Britney curator – and their lawyers were present; Britney was introduced by the back door of the courthouse to avoid the paparazzi, but she still met supporters of #FreeBritney, People reported.

Although the details of the hearing are unknown, the judge ordered Spears to undergo an assessment by an expert 730, a proficiency test usually conducted for children in divorce, ABC News and the Associated press report.

The next Spears Conservative hearing was scheduled for September 18, when the singer will not need to be present.

In recent months, the role of curator of his daughter by Jamie Spears – which began in 2008 after the public collapse of the singer and gives him control of almost all of the personal activities and affairs of the singer – was subject to population control, and Spears himself hinted that he would be freeing the arrangement in social media posts.

Lynne Spears, who divorced Jamie in 2002, sought to play a more active role in Britney's life after her month-long stay in a psychiatric facility.

"Britney is still adjusting to drugs," said a source People of the situation. "It's a difficult situation for her and Lynne is helping. Lynne wants to be more involved in Britney's care as she is his mother. If they can do anything more for Britney, Lynne wants to make sure Britney gets that help. "


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