Britney Spears calls those who did not lend a hand when she “drowned”


In an Instagram post on Friday night, the singer, who won a legal victory earlier this week by securing her choice of lawyer in her guardianship battle, slammed those who spoke in favor of her victory in court but failed to help him earlier.

“There is nothing worse than when the people closest to you who have never come forward for you post about your situation whatever it is and speak uprightly for support … there is nothing worse than that !!!! like to say anything the most … did they even reach out to even lift me on TIME !!! ??? How dare you go public that NOW YOU ARE SUPPORTING … did you reach out when I was drowning ???? Again … NO, “Spears wrote. “If you are reading this and know who you are… and you actually have the nerve to say anything about my situation just to save face publicly !!! If you are going to post something… If it is please stop with the just approach when you are so far from fair it’s not even funny …. “

Spears did not specifically refer to anyone by name in his post.

In a hearing Wednesday, Spears called the guardianship she has lived under for nearly 13 years “fucking cruelty,” describing the severe limitations she lives in, such as not being able to get a cup of coffee.

“If it’s not abuse, I don’t know what it is,” the singer said.

Spears has said she wants her father, Jamie Spears, to be the co-curator of her estimated $ 60 million estate accused of abuse.

Britney Spears Quick Facts

“I want to file a lawsuit against my father today,” Britney Spears told court over the phone at the hearing, sometimes bursting into tears. “I want an investigation on my father.

Mathew Rosengart, the singer’s new lawyer, on Wednesday urged Jamie Spears to voluntarily step down as curator.

“It’s in the best interests of the Conservative,” Rosengart, a former federal prosecutor, said outside of court. “We will act quickly and aggressively for his removal. The question remains, why is he involved? He should resign voluntarily because it is in the best interests of the Tory.”

Vivian Thoreen, an attorney for Jamie Spears, said in court that he would not resign.

Another hearing is scheduled for the guardianship on September 29.

Spears concluded her post on Friday with a message of support for others.

“If you are reading this today and can understand… I’m sorry because I know what it is,” she wrote. “I send you my love !!!!


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