Britney Spears delivers dazzling message to people who ‘never come forward’ to her


Britney Spears sent a heartbreaking message to those closest to her who “never showed up” for her but are now trying to “save face” with “fair” displays of public support.

Spears, who a court ruled this week, could appoint her own lawyer to challenge the controversial guardianship she has been under since 2008, shared a quote as an Instagram post on Friday that read: “Never forget who ignored you when you needed it and who helped you before you even had to ask.

In a long caption that goes with it, the singer claimed “that there is nothing worse than when the people closest to you who have never shown up for you post things about your situation whatever. she be and speak righteously for support… there is nothing worse than that !! !! ”

“How dare the people you love most to say anything… did they even reach out to lift me up at the moment !!! ??? How dare you make it public that NOW YOU ARE SUPPORTING… did you reached out when I was drowning ???? ” she continued. “Again… NO… so if you’re reading this and know who you are… and actually have the nerve to say anything about my situation just to publicly save face !!!”

“If you’re going to publish something…. Please stop with the right approach when you are so far from fair that it’s not even funny…. and good day !!!!! she added.

It is not clear who the message was intended for.

The life and finances of 39-year-old Spears have been in the control of his father, Jamie Spears, for 13 years.

In court this week, the singer said her father should be charged with “abuse of conservation” and her family “should be in jail.”

She previously alleged that she was refused to remove a birth control device and said that she was prescribed lithium against her will.


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