Britney Spears’ ex-husband Jason Alexander posts selfie at pro-Trump rally in DC


Jason Allen Alexander, who was infamously married to Britney Spears for 55 hours, was among Donald Trump’s supporters protesting in Washington, DC on Wednesday.

Alexander, a childhood friend of Spears from Kentwood, Louisiana, whose 2004 Vegas escape with the pop star was canceled, shared a photo of himself in the capital for the Save America rally to protest the Joe Biden’s presidential victory. He shared a selfie in which he wears a red Trump hat with a “45” on it, standing in the street with the crowd as a Trump 2020 flag flies behind him above his head.

“DC,” Alexander wrote. “Millions of people showed up.”

According to the Associated Press, there were actually “several thousand protesters” at the rally at the Ellipse, a park south of the White House, where Trump addressed his supporters on Wednesday ahead of Congress’ vote for affirm the victory of President-elect Biden. He urged them: “If you don’t fight like hell, you will have no country”, and “this is the time of strength”.

Of course, a melee later erupted when hundreds of armed protesters stormed the Capitol. However, it is not known whether Alexander – unrelated to the Seinfeld actor – was part of this group, and there is no indication that he was.

Alexander has not yet responded to Yahoo Entertainment’s request for comment.

(Photo: Getty Images)
Jason Allen Alexander and Britney Spears married for just 55 hours in 2004. (Photos: Getty Images)

The ex-Spears announced in advance to his Facebook followers that he would be there for the “Save America” rally. He also said he was not a Biden fan and was unhappy with the election results. (The self-proclaimed conspiracy theorist is also anti-mask and wonders if the pandemic was a hoax.)

Alexander, whose current occupation is not known, also exercised his right to protest over the summer, attending a #FreeBritney rally in Los Angeles in August. Her famous ex has been under guardianship since the breakup in 2008 and he has shown his support for her to regain control of her life and property.

In an interview with TMZ, he said he wanted to “show his support” and “bring some love” and “attention” to the situation. He said he could understand how she was under guardianship “at first … but 12 years later? Come on man. It’s ridiculous.”

Alexander added that he was in contact with his ex again after 10 years without speaking and feared that some of his money was “missing” under the control of his father Jamie Spears. He also said he wanted to rekindle a romantic relationship with his ex, despite Spears being in a long-standing relationship with Sam Asghari.

“That’s why I’m here. If that’s what God wants… We never had a chance. It was kind of stolen from us in Vegas. They made promises that they didn’t. ‘have not kept,’ he said.

“They” refer to Team Spears. After the couple fled to Las Vegas almost 17 years ago, after a few days of alcoholism and drugs, Spears’ mother Lynne Spears and her management demanded its cancellation. (Laura Wasser, who Kim Kardashian is said to have retained while exploring the divorce from Kanye West, was Spears’ lawyer.)

Alexander later said he believed his relationship with Spears – who remains under guardianship – would continue, but he was given a coach plane ticket to Louisiana and cut from his life.

“I was not paid” he said Hello america in 2012. “I didn’t make any money, uh, straight from that.”

However, he took advantage of the interviews he gave, leading Spears – who later married and divorced Kevin Federline – to publicly call him a liar in 2010.

In 2015, Alexander spent almost four months in prison for domestic violence.

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