Britney Spears Focuses On Healing And Self-Love


“While there is change and things to celebrate in my life, I still have a lot of healing to do.”

Last week, Judge Brenda Penny granted Britney Spears’ request to immediately suspend her father, Jamie Spears, as her estate registrar. He controlled his daughter’s career, personal life and finances for over 13 years.

It was a massive victory for the pop star, who had been trying to remove her father from his tutelage for years.

Lester Cohen / Getty Images

At a hearing on November 12, the judge will consider ending the guardianship.

And now Britney is finally on the road to recovery!

Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty Images

On Instagram, the 39-year-old recently shared a photo of a tree growing through a ceiling. She wrote: “While there are changes and things to celebrate in my life, I still have a lot of healing to do.”

“Fortunately, I have a good support system and take the time to understand that it is okay to slow down and breathe.”

“It is only through the love of myself that I can pray, love and support others in return!” she concludes.

I send you so much love and light, Britney!

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