Britney Spears gives a talk to Gina Carano on shooting the Mandalorians


Saturday Night Live decided to ask Britney Spears to lecture Gina Carano on her The Mandalorian. Coaching Britney Spears picked up the zeitgeist over the last few weeks, so it was only a matter of time before the NBC comedy decided to look at the whole situation. We haven’t talked much about the Cara Dune actress since she left the Disney + program a few weeks ago. Spears wouldn’t just lecture the Star Wars personality, she also had Senator Ted Cruz and Andrew Cuomo from New York City for their various follies this week. All different levels of controversy, but all the same throughout the 24 hour news cycle. For this season, it must be among one of the most interesting cold openings. Social media is teeming with reactions right now, as everything about this Star Wars situation continues to garner attention.

Lucasfilm released its own statement as soon as the change was announced. “Gina Carano is currently not employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans to be employed in the future,” Lucasfilm said in a statement. “Nonetheless, his social media posts denigrating people on the basis of their cultural and religious identity are odious and unacceptable.”

After Lucasfilm let her go, the actress released a statement to Deadline in response. “The Daily Wire helps make one of my dreams – developing and producing my own film – a reality. I cried out and my prayer was answered, “Carano wrote.” I send a direct message of hope to all who live in fear of being nullified by the totalitarian mob. I have only just started to use my voice, which is now more free than ever, and I hope it inspires others to do the same. They can’t cancel us if we don’t let them.

Have you seen the chill open up on Saturday Night Live this week? What did you think? Let us know in the comments below!


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