Britney Spears in great shape according to Mother Lynne


Britney Spears

In fine fettle

… according to mom

5/7/2019 9:34 PDT


Britney Spears is in a desperate situation and a judge must protect her … according to Lynne Spears, who says she can not even wait for the hearing on Friday, because Britney needs her now.

Lynne Spears filed new court documents, asking a judge to let her appear on Wednesday to have access to Britney's medical information and treatment plan … despite the fact that a hearing was scheduled for Friday.

Jamie Spears is the curator of Britney and we know that there is an extreme conflict between the two parents. Lynne does not ask to become a co-curator with Jamie … but she is clearly right in the management of Britney.

Lynne's lawyer stated that it was in Britney's best interest that she help manage the situation.

As we pointed out, Britney is not doing well after her 30 days in a mental health facility. As we told you, his medication stopped working and the doctors were impossible to find the right combination of drugs. As one source said, "Britney makes bad decisions and that's a problem."

Jamie has tried to set up a structure and discipline, and we are told that the conflict is that he believes that Lynne is too permissive and just wants Britney to like her well.

A hearing is also scheduled for Friday.


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