Britney Spears’ lawyer files motion asking for an earlier court date to dismiss her father as co-curator


The next hearing is currently set for September 29, but the singer’s attorney, Mathew Rosengart, has asked Judge Brenda Penny to hold the hearing this month instead.

“Each day that passes is another day of harm and preventable harm to Ms. Spears and the estate,” the petition says. “Ms. Spears’ emotional health and well-being must be, and are, of paramount concern. Further, all interested parties strongly agree that Mr. Spears’ continued presence as curator of the field is contrary to the best interests, health and health of Ms. Spears. well-being, and that his prompt dismissal – or, at the very least, his immediate suspension – is “critical” at this point. “

A representative for Jamie Spears could not be reached immediately for comment.

Rosengart has already filed a motion to remove Elder Spears from his role as co-curator and replace him with Jason Rubin, a CPA at Certified Strategies Inc. in Woodland Hills, California.

Jamie Spears oversaw his daughter's estate.
Spears oversaw her daughter’s estate during her 13-year tutorship, which the singer called “abusive.” Speaking in court last month, the singer said she wanted to press charges against her father for “abuse of conservation” and called the arrangement “fucking cruelty”.

Earlier this year, through his lawyer Vivian Lee Thoreen, Jamie Spears said he believed every decision he made as a curator was in his daughter’s best interests.

Related: Britney Spears Guardianship Look Back

Britney Spears’ lawyer calls guardianship a “Kafkaesque nightmare”

Rosengart said the situation had become “toxic” between the singer and her father and that he was “guilty of embezzlement or embezzlement”.

“For more than thirteen years, petitioner Britney Jean Spears has endured a tutelage which, certainly as far as James P. Spears is concerned, has become more and more toxic and is simply no longer tenable,” Rosengart wrote in his asks to remove Spears as co-curator. . “In addition to depriving his daughter of her dignity, autonomy and certain fundamental freedoms, Mr. Spears is also guilty of misconduct or wrongdoing justifying the imposition of surcharges, damages or other legal proceedings on his against.”

Rosengart described the arrangement as a “Kafkaesque nightmare” for his client in which his father paid himself $ 16,000 a month from the Britney Spears estate – $ 2,000 more than his allotted – and 2,000 additional $ per month for office expenses.

The petition to remove the singer’s father from his guardianship was supported by her mother, Lynne Spears, who said in a court file that her daughter’s relationship with her father had “come down to nothing but fear and hate ”after he“ exercised absolutely microscopic control ”. on his life.

“While a two-month wait for a hearing on the petition may not seem meaningful in the context of 13 years,” Rosengart said in his request for an earlier hearing date. “Ms. Spears shouldn’t be forced to continue to feel traumatized, to lose sleep and to suffer more. Every day matters.”

CNN’s Cheri Mossburg contributed to this report.


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