Britney Spears’ lawyer wants her father removed from guardianship immediately, says finances have been misused


Britney Spears’ attorney filed a motion on Thursday asking the court to immediately dismiss her father as a conservative, noting that an investigation may be needed into his financial transactions while he controlled his estate.

Mathew Rosengart, who was named in the singer’s case last month, asked Los Angeles Superior Judge Brenda Penny to rule on James “Jamie” Spears’ request to replace as Conservative sooner rather than later. . He said Britney Spears “continues to suffer continued harm every day that Mr. Spears remains in place as the curator of the field – emotionally, psychologically and financially.”

The file said that “Mr. Spears also got rich at the expense of his daughter,” noting that Jamie Spears pays himself $ 2,000 more per month than he gives his daughter as an allowance.

“More recently, and by way of example only, Mr. Spears objected to his daughter’s wish to take a short vacation at the end of July, disapproving of the expenses that would have been generated by his daughter’s hard-earned money,” indicates the petition. noted.

She eventually got permission to take a vacation to Maui, Hawaii, but the argument “caused understandable anguish” for the singer.

The referral was essential for Britney Spears’ well-being and also for an investigation into her father’s use of her money, according to the filing.

Representatives for Jamie Spears did not immediately comment when contacted by NBC News on Thursday.

Rosengart also notes that Jamie Spears paid his daughter’s management company a surplus of $ 300,000 in 2019, with no additional service related to the payment. The money came after Britney Spears declared a break in performance and her father apparently failed to negotiate the terms of his contract or move elsewhere, according to the filing.

The resulting amount was “more than double Ms. Spears’ annual allowance on her estate,” the record says. Rosengart called the decision a priority of the management company over Britney Spears and “a violation of Mr. Spears ‘fiduciary duties and responsibility as custodian of raising Ms. Spears’ interests above his own or of those of others in his entourage “.

“An investigation is warranted but can only begin fully once Mr. Spears is removed,” the motion reads.

If a new hearing couldn’t be scheduled before the next Trusteeship hearing on September 29, Rosengart asked the court to suspend Jamie Spears’ estate powers in the meantime.

“While proper guardianship exists to protect a Curator from undue influence, it is evident that this guardianship has allowed potential influencers to take control of the estate and exploit Ms. Spears, often to their own advantage,” indicates the folder. “The suspension and final removal of Mr. Spears will be the first step towards rectifying this abuse.”

Rosengart filed a motion in late July asking the court to replace Jamie Spears as custodian with a professional accountant, Jason Rubin, calling it an “objectively smart preference to appoint a highly qualified professional trustee in this circumstance.”

Statements were included from Britney Spears’ mother, Lynne Spears, and her personal curator, Jodi Montgomery, supporting the demand to impeach Jamie Spears.

The two women testified in statements dated Thursday that his relationship with Britney Spears is detrimental to the singer’s well-being. “

Montgomery, who was named in Britney Spears’ case in 2019, said she had personally witnessed the relationship, calling their dynamic “not psychologically healthy” for the singer’s mental health. She called Jamie Spears ‘removal a criticism of Britney Spears’ mental health and added that she believes no parent should be in charge of the case.

Lynne Spears noted that she became involved with her daughter’s case during a “period of crisis” that began in 2018 and continued the following year. She said that during this time Britney Spears was being looked after by a “sports enhancement” doctor hired by Jamie Spears who “prescribed what I and many others thought was totally inappropriate medication for my daughter,” who didn’t want to take the drug. “

She also said that Jamie Spears’ “absolutely microscopic control” through threats and coercion had reduced her relationship with her daughter to nothing more than “fear and hate.”

Lynne Spears testified in her statement that Jamie Spears used her daughter’s medical assistants, house staff and security services to “brief her and report to her every detail of every action.”

“Such an exam is exhausting and terrifying, like living in detention,” said Lynne Spears.


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