Britney Spears thanks #FreeBritney movement for helping end conservation – deadline


Less than a week after a California judge removed Britney Spears’ father from his powerful role in the tutelage that has governed the singer’s life since 2008, the former pop princess directly addressed recent events and her fans for the first time.

One day when Facebook and Instagram were down for hours, a vacationing Spears took to Twitter to thank her #FreeBritney followers for “your continued resilience in freeing me from my tutelage.”

See the tweets here:

After a tumultuous summer of Los Angeles Superior Court appearances, resignations, new lawyers, a Spears family civil war and very disturbing surveillance revelations courtesy of New York Times on September 29, Judge Brenda Penny temporarily suspended Jamie Spears from his role as co-curator. Until last week, the elder Spears was essentially in charge of his 39-year-old daughter’s $ 60 million fortune and career for 13 years – the latter two of which have not seen Britney play or come out. of music.

With a recommended CPA now in charge of the business side of newly hired Britney Spears life, the next court hearing scheduled for Nov. 12 will likely see the end of the ongoing guardianship.

A fairly long game that the elder Spears is not very happy with, as he made clear on September 30.

“Respectfully, the court was wrong to suspend Mr Spears, put a stranger in his place to handle Britney’s estate and extend the very guardianship Britney begged the court to end in early summer,” a lengthy statement released through Jamie Spears. said attorney Vivian Thoreen. Unlike an immediate termination, the suspension means Elder Spears must turn over all Trusteeship records and accounting – documents Briteny’s attorney, Matthew Rosengart, said open in court and in court records that he expects to be overwhelming for the patriarch.

At the September 29 hearing, Thoreen exclaimed that she would challenge the stay, only to be advised by Judge Penny that she was not subject to appeal. Counsel for Holland & Knight LLP also cited the requirements of the Guardianship Act to require Britney Spears to meet for an interview on the matter within 48 hours. Judge Penny had to tell Thoreen that the measure is only applicable if a new curator is appointed, and not temporary, as is the case here.

What will actually be handed over to the new mentoring team led by John Zabel, which includes the business manager that the elder Spears himself chose, remains to be seen in due course – like so many others in this sordid affair.


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