Britney Spears "very angry" following alleged violence between her father and son


Britney Spears is "very angry" after his father, Jamie Spears, allegedly mistreated his son.

Tuesday, E! News reported that Kevin Federline filed a criminal complaint against Spears' father after learning that he would have "laid hands" on their son, Sean. A Federline representative told E! News at the time that Kevin was acting in Sean and Jaydenis "the best interest".

And it seems that Britney is totally in agreement with her ex. A source tells E! News: "Britney was very angry at her father and left with the boys, she never wants Jamie to treat her boys like he did or be involved in the discipline that way."

In addition, the source reveals that it is the pop star who told the alleged incident to the father of his two sons. "Britney had to explain to Kevin what had happened and he felt that they had no choice but to go to the police," explains Lt. ;initiated. "Kevin wants to protect his boys."

After the filing of the report, Kevin was given a no-show order against Jamie on behalf of Sean and Jayden. Under the restraining order, Jamie is not allowed to contact Preston or Jayden nor to act as a mandated supervisor when the boys are in Britney's custody.

However, this could challenge the current child care provisions, as Jamie plays the role of Britney's curator. The source says: "Britney is extremely worried and paranoid about losing her guard and she thinks Jamie is putting her in danger"

Britney Spears, Kevin Federline

Ben Rose /

At present, Kevin keeps custody of Sean and Jayden in 70% of cases, with Britney having unsupervised custody for the remaining 30%. Previously, ex-ex-cops shared a 50-to-50 guard until August of last year.

This summer, the singer spent a lot of quality time with her teenage sons, including a rare trip to Disneyland. She shared photos of their trip and was delighted with the fun day she had on Instagram. "Great stay at Disneyland today … but I do not remember ever being so wet on Splash Mountain !!! Geeez … anyway, my boys are older now, they so do not like to be photographed … so I was delighted today when they said SURE !!!!! Such a great place !!!!! "the 37 year old has sharing.

But even with the current drama, it does not seem like Kevin is preventing Britney from making such memories with their boys. Like his lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, said: "Kevin does not want to prevent the boys from having unreasonable guard contact with their mother."

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