Britney Spears: "You never know who to trust"


The singer went to Instagram Tuesday night to share some thoughts about them and her life in Los Angeles.

Spears has published a picture of the quote "Pay special attention to people who do not applaud when you win."

"Living in Los Angeles is such a trip !!! You can sometimes feel lonely," the pop star wrote in the caption. "You never know who to trust, and some people may be wrong."

She added: "I have a very small circle of friends and just do what makes me happy !!!"

"It breaks my heart to sometimes see comments on my posts … so I just chose not to look anymore … to let smart enemies do what they do best … hate !!! ", wrote Spears.

Her boyfriend, model and trainer Sam Asghari, has supported her in her comments.

"Winners do not hate or bully, losers only do it because they do not have what you have (which is the best heart in the world)," he wrote.

Spears shares more information about his life on social networks since May, when his fans, worried about not being kept out of the public, have launched a #FreeBritney campaign.
In June, she and her family obtained a five-year no-contact order against her former friend Sam Lutfi.


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