Browns’ Ronnie Harrison fined $ 12,128 for altercation with Chiefs coach Greg Lewis on the sidelines


NFL fined Browns safety Ronnie Harrison $ 12,128 for last week’s scramble game with Chiefs running back coach Greg Lewis, who received a league warning after the incident which led to Harrison’s expulsion in the opener last Sunday.

Lewis first pushed Harrison after a play along the Kansas City sideline, prompting Harrison to back down. Both received compensatory penalties, but only Harrison was kicked out after a replay.

According to team and league sources, Lewis was in contact with the league and received a warning that any subsequent violation of Rule 13, Article 8 will result in disciplinary action. When the whole incident was reviewed, Lewis’s actions were not deemed worthy of a fine, per source

In a note to clubs this week, the NFL reiterated this rule, which reads: “Non-playing staff of a club (eg, management staff, coaches, coaches, equipment staff ) making unnecessary physical contact or directing threatening or insulting abuse, language or gestures towards opponents, match officials or League representatives is prohibited. Penalty: Loss of 15 yards. “

The memo added: “As a reminder, club staff attempting to resolve a problem involving players and / or staff of an opposing team should not come into unnecessary physical contact with anyone who is not a member of their club. own club. Please contact a member of the Football Operations department with any questions. “


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