Brute Fortress is finally nerve


Brute Fortnite

Great changes occur in the brute.

Epic Games

Fortnite's brute has been severely degraded by developer Epic Games. This happens after weeks of players complaining that the mech was too powerful for the game.

Epic rebalanced the brute on Thursday. The changes made to the robot are significant, the main one being the reduction of the rate of fire, the radius of the damage and the damage production of the rocket launcher. The Brute will also cross the map more slowly and machine players will no longer be able to receive materials every time or at any speed in the environment. Epic also changed the robot's spawn rates, so it's now possible for the Brute to not reappear at all during a match.

The brute made his debut in Fortnite Season 10and it did not take long the players to complain. Their complaints were about the power of the rocket launcher, which could easily destroy players who were hiding in their own fort. A little over a week after his inclusion in the game, Epic said he listened to the players and would make changes to the robot. These adjustments, however, ended up being a targeting laser and an audio signal for the launcher.

Epic then said last week that the Brute was intended to highly skilled low-skilled players and gave them a "blow to this first elimination or Victory Royale."

According to the developer, the new changes to the Brute are currently in the game.


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