Bryan Cranston defends the media during a speech at the Tony Awards


Actor Bryan Cranston came to the media's defense in what appeared to be a subtle coup against President Donald Trump during his acceptance speech at the Tony Awards on Sunday night.

Cranston, who won the Best Leading Actor award for his role as a fictional journalist in Broadway's "Network" play, praised real-life journalists and said "the media is not the enemy." People".

The star of "Breaking Bad" began his speech by declaring "finally, an old white man gets a break" before dedicating his victory to the press.

"I would like to dedicate this to all the real journalists around the world, both in the print media – and in the print media – and the audiovisual media, who are in fact in the line of fire in their quest for the truth", said Cranston. in the New York Times. "The media is not the enemy of the people. Demagoguery is the enemy of the people. "

The star of "Breaking Bad" did not directly call Trump, however, the president often used the phrase "enemy of the people" when he spoke of his frustrations with the media and how they covered his presidency.


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