Bryan Cranston says he still hasn’t regained his sense of taste or smell after coronavirus infection


breaking Bad Star Bryan Cranston has revealed that he still hasn’t fully regained his sense of taste or smell after contracting coronavirus.

The actor shared a video in July revealing he had caught Covid-19 “not too long ago”, saying he was “very lucky” because he only had mild symptoms.

At the time, he urged his fans to do what they could to prevent the spread of the virus.

Appearing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Cranston has now said that the only symptom that persisted is that “I have lost a percentage of my ability to taste and smell.”

“We were very lucky, however, very seriously,” he said. “We’ve had a few sore days, but not enough to keep you in bed. I had a temperature of 99 ° C for about three hours, then just exhaustion for a week.

He said of his sense of taste and smell: “I think about 75 percent came back, but if someone was making coffee and I walked into a kitchen, I can’t. feel, ”he said.

After recovering from the virus, Cranston donated some of his plasma containing Covid-19 antibodies to the UCLA Blood and Platelat Center.

“I hope the plasma donation can help other people,” he says.


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