Buffy’s casting backs Stacey Abrams’ spike theory


Buffy and her OTP.
Photo: 20th Television

The 23-year-old conversation around Buffy Summers’ true love continued this week, this time with major reinforcements, thanks to a Tweeter by Stacey Abrams. While helping others vote in Georgia last week, the sci-fi lover’s politician voted to determine which souled vampire deserves to be with the one who kills: Angel or Spike. Since then, the cast of the hit ’90s TV series have weighed in on Abrams’ theory that “Angel was the right boyfriend for Buffy to come into power.” Spike was the right person to come into power with.

Buffy Creator and director Joss Whedon confirmed Abrams’ theory of the protagonist’s fatal love, agreeing that each of the men has their time and place for Buffy based on their growth as a person and hero.

Alyson Hannigan, who played Willow, the lesbian witch who made television history, says what many of us thought from the start:

The Season 5 nerd trio turned supervillains, played by Tom Lenk, Adam Busch, and Danny Strong, all of their voices heard in tune, with Busch echoing: “Relationships are all about timing.”

And Charisma Carpenter, who played the mean girl turned supernatural savior Cordelia Chase, answered the question: Well, if Spike and Buffy get together, who is Angel? According to Carpenter, Cordelia, who meets her disappearance in the spin-off angel, was “good for Angel because she kept him in her way.”

The show never answers that question of who Buffy will end up hanging out with, and Angel makes a reappearance in the series finale just to hear Buffy call herself “cookie dough,” in one of the most popular metaphors. stranger of a show that consists of allegorizing essays of young adults. The series thus leaves Buffy “not done cooking” and that she should probably be more concerned with preventing the end of the world than knowing who she is going to date her with. However, at least we all know for sure that this isn’t the boring military brat from seasons four and five, Riley Finn.


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