Акрапович: We must take advantage of fatigue in Slavia


The coach of Lokomotiv (Plovdiv) – Bruno Akramovich expresses his concern about the next rival Slavia, which he rents seriously

. But he says his elders should make the most of the "white" fatigue that has a heavy game For the Europa League against Hajduk in Split, lost 0: 1 in the end

"Slavia is a very dangerous opponent with a good tactics and good positioning on the pitch, he has good qualities and a good style of play. Zagoric, who knows how to read the game of the opponent: Slavia has a small but he will be tired after the big match with Hedduk in Split, which was a high lap, and it was very hot, "said the coach of the" Smurfs "in front of" Sport Theme "

" We now have three other players in the team that the match against CSKA at the start, and we managed to shoot Dmitry Iliev, Vilim Posinkovic and Milos Petrovich, so I'll have a bigger choice.We also placed Tomashevic, but he has to face another game. punishment of the Croatian federation, all this makes me happy and I believe that an interesting game will take place. The boys are waiting for victory on our field. It is important for our self-confidence to start accumulating points. It will make us feel better. The season has begun and we must think in this sense – accumulate badets, "adds Bruno Akramovich

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