17 were killed in a tragedy of the Missouri cruise ship


17 people died after the turn of the tourist boat in a lake in southwestern Missouri AP and The Guardian reported.

Divers discovered the bodies of 6 other persons in the lake

The total number of pbadengers in the pbadenger boat was 31 of which 14 survived. 7 people were injured – these are four elderly people and three children. They arrived at the nearest hospital after the incident.

The two elderly people are in critical condition.

In the words of County Sheriff Doug Raider p the risk of overturning the boat is bad weather.At the time of the incident there was a thunderstorm

Meanwhile, the US Meteorological Agency said yesterday it warned of the danger of a strong storm in the Branson area at night

On the night of the incident The wind speed was more than 60 miles per hour or more than 95 kilometers per hour

 [photo]  Photo 369499

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