83% of young people in Bulgaria spend their free time


Young people from Bulgaria and Macedonia are the leaders of the Balkans on vacation during their free time. In both countries, 83% of respondents point out this answer to the question of how they use their free time. The study shows that in each of the Balkan countries, holidays are the favorite activity of young people. The youngest who retire in their spare time are Kosovo – 59%.

Although young Bulgarians and Macedonians are the youngest, Macedonians have the highest percentage of Balkan youth who take advantage of their free time to develop – 17%. While this indicator shows young people in our country the lowest score – 5%. The last place here is divided with Albania. The "personal development" option is between 12% and 17% in all the countries of the former Yugoslavia, with the exception of Kosovo – 7%. Young Romanians who develop skills in their free time are 15%.

The second favorite activity of Bulgarians aged 14 to 29 is "socialization". And here, Macedonia is the first place – in 54% of the answers, social communication seems to be a favorite leisure activity. The other pole is Croatia – 29%.

According to the survey, 36% of young Bulgarians practice a sport in their spare time. Young Slovenians have the most time for sport – 57% of responses contain sports activities. Followed by Montenegro (49%) and Serbia (47%). The other pole is Kosovo – only 28% of young people say that they take advantage of their free time to play sports.

89% of youth use the Internet for their social networking profiles

89% of youth use the Internet for their social networking profiles – Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. Communication via Skype, Viber and Whatsapp is a priority of 83%.

59% download music on the Internet. 30% of young people in Bulgaria play online games, and nearly 60% say that they use the Web to read the news

Among young people in Bulgaria, the situation is similar for the Balkans, but with less than average for the use of the Balkans Internet for school, work or education. 46% of us say they often use the Internet for such activities, averaging 56% for the region.

The comparison with the previous study of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in 2014 shows that for four years the share of Internet users to work and read news is increasing in our country. In Bulgaria, 81% of young people used the Internet mainly to access social networks, 74% for communication with friends and family, 66% for information retrieval, 38% for reading news and 23% for news. work. 19659012] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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