Bug was born on July 4, 1871 in Gloucester, England, on the occasion of the 147th anniversary of the inventor of vacuum cleaner Hubert Bout. 19659002] IN THE GALLERY SEE HOW CLEAN OUR BABY HOUSES
At the age of 18, he began studying at the Technical College of Engineering and Mechanical Engineering in London. Butt began working at the Institute of Civil Engineers.
The creation of the vacuum cleaner accidentally occurs – while Booth demonstrates a wagon cleaning machine
In the video above, see how a clean dog with a vacuum cleaner [19659002] Machine "blower" with air pressure carpet. The invention was not effective because the machine was only propelling the dirt into the air.
10 things you do not clean often, but you need
Young But, thought something interesting and asked the organizers of the demonstration, do not blow. Some engineers answered that this system was already tested and impossible to achieve.
In 1901, Hubert did not give up, but created a machine that changed every household in the world. Born is Butt's brilliant idea for the vacuum cleaner, an invention that he later patented and called "Swallowing Billy".
Butt also creates a company that offers the device on the market
Originally powered by a gasoline and later by an electric motor
The "Swallowing Billy" was served by a team of white clothing workers
. vacuum cleaner was huge in size. For this reason, she was transported by a cart that parked in front of the house where she needed to be cleaned. From there, a 30 meter long pipe was thrown out the window.
But he decided that his new company needed advertising. She suggests to the restaurant owner to clean it for free, and he agrees.
In 1902, Booth was asked to clear a carpet at Westminster Abbey in preparation for the wedding of Edward VII and Queen Alexandra
The result was impressive, and a vacuum cleaner was installed at Buckingham Palace, another in Windsor Castle.
At the beginning of the century, similar cleaning devices were invented at the beginning of the century. Two Americans present variations on the vacuum
Hubert Cecil Butt spent the next two decades doing business
But he continues to change and develop his vacuum cleaner at over the years. While losing the battle against Hoover, the company is reorienting itself towards the industrial market by starting to produce larger models for factories and warehouses.
The founder died at the age of 84 in England in 1955
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