Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Greece agree on offshoring for the transport of goods :: Investor.bg


  Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Greece agree to lighten the transport of goods

Boyko Borisov visits Greece Photo: BTA

The reliefs for the transport of goods through Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Greece were negotiated at a meeting of leaders of the four countries in Thessaloniki on Wednesday. Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and Serbian President Alexander Vucic told reporters

In Thessaloniki, the High-Level Cooperation Council took place between Prime Ministers of Bulgaria, Greece and Romania – Boyko Borisov, Alexis Tsipras and Viorica Dunkila and the President of Serbia Alexander Vučić

Bulgaria has ensured that its EU Council Presidency becomes a Balkan Presidency in which all countries in the region could present themselves to the 28 EU members, said Boyko Borissov after the meeting. .

With Romania and Greece, we can really insist that Serbia become a member of the EU, but there are criteria that must be fulfilled, said Borisov. This is to raise the gross domestic product (GDP), income and become richer as nations. Bulgaria had only one bridge with Romania and only seven bridges in Budapest. The bridge of Vidin and Calafat has four times more traffic than expected, he added.

When importing goods into the region, there is a one-stop shop and a one-stop shop for immigrants from Asia and Africa, Borisov says:

Burgas – Alexandroupolis is a key project and I hope that the ministers will prepare the projects and funding by the end of September. We are also preparing interconnections with Serbia and Greece, and a gas hub to receive gas from Russia, Borisov said. That is why we will invite the European Commissioners to contribute to this idea, said the Bulgarian Prime Minister

Alexander Vucic wished that Borisov organize a UN session in Sofia

The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has appointed the Bulgarian presidency of the EU as a very successful. He said that it was the essence of the Balkans

He said that at the Thessaloniki meeting, they also talked about the upcoming "16 + 1" format in Sofia, which Greece would also take part

"Remember that the Balkans are at the crossroads of three continents and that they will play a significant geopolitical and economic role in the future," Tsipras said. "For Serbia, the meeting in Thessaloniki is very important, the support of Bulgaria, Greece and Romania is very important for us," said the President of Serbia.

He explained that for the first time they spoke of a joint venture to manage the transport infrastructure projects and the profits that the four countries will have.

Vukic reiterated that Serbia has not solved his problem with Pristina

"I have never been to mesval myself in the problems of other countries and do not take a position on the name of Macedonia, "said the Serbian president, announcing that his compatriots have appreciated a solution close to the question of the name
Romanian Prime Minister Viorika Dankila welcomes Borisov for the successful presidency. She recalled that next year Romania will badume the rotating presidency and ensure that the Western Balkans theme will again be the focus of attention

The next meeting of the four leaders will be held in late September in Varna, Tsipras announced. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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