& # 39; Fortnite & # 39; Durr Burger Sign found in the middle of a California desert


Sela Shiloni

Weird things happened in Fortnite: Battle Royale since the launch of the rocket this weekend. After the rocket launched and cracked the sky in real time, rifts arose throughout the map. These loopholes, which were gradually discovered during the last days, troubled and excited the enthusiasts Fortnite . One of the cracks engulfs the sign of Durr Burger, a wonderful anthropomorphous hamburger with a great stirring tongue. Here's where things get really weird. Photographer Sela Shiloni discovered the hamburger outside the game, in the real world.

First, look at the Durr Burger panel being engulfed by the rift here:

Bye Durrr, you were a good soldier. pic.twitter.com/sRw5BDbS5I

– Leon Hurley (@LeonHurley) July 5, 2018

And where is he now? Well, apparently, this flaw was strong enough to get the hamburger out of the gaming world and into the California desert. It's cold in the desert, it no longer rests on a building that serves delicious burgers.

What …. is it … I'm in the middle of the desert, why is it here ??? pic.twitter.com/oTMiGc0Wno

– Sela Shiloni (@selashiloni) July 6, 2018

Now we know what you think: this is obviously not possible . And yes, we agree, the video game burger is not transported to the real world. But this is probably not a coincidence if the hamburger Fortnite was discovered randomly in the desert (read: marketing stunt).

According to Shiloni he was looking for places for a Palmdale, California shoot when he arrived on the hamburger. A police car and a sign were located near the hamburger. The sign reads, "This site is unstable, beware of possible effects."

Shiloni shared a discovery video as evidence next to the images. He claimed to be unfamiliar with video games and therefore needed someone on Instagram to tell him what he saw aligned with Fortnite .

Nobody on insta said that it was from Fortnight? pic.twitter.com/gpPGee0WNf

– Sela Shiloni (@selashiloni) July 6, 2018

Unless Shiloni is very good at editing, we doubt that it is a hoax . So what does that mean? Some Redditors seem to think that it is proof that Epic is working on a desert map. This seems to be a distinct possibility, especially considering the words on the sign. If you want to believe Shiloni fell on the mbadive burger on his own is yours, but this has all the pitfalls of an "accidental" marketing shot. If that's the case, we hope it's a forerunner of something big – like a new map.

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