Maria Ilieva: I'm a master of pancakes – Curious – Showbiznes


The singer Maria Ilieva, the gymnast Radina Filipova, the producer Borko Chuchkov, the actress Elena Karaboycheva and the journalist Pavel Vladimirov showed enviable skills in the kitchen and brought interesting surprises

In the middle of the week, the performer of "Let It Rain" hits the stars in their summer house and prepares some of their favorite recipes

What is the dish that Maria Ilieva does best, best and what is not enough As a woman, discover her interview with – Without the most basic – salt, pepper and pinch of love for each dish

– Who was it? the first dinner you were prepared for?

– For my mother. I was in first grade and I surprised him with fried fish that my clbadmate's father had captured. He gave me instructions on how to prepare and succeed. I remember the excitement I caused

– What is the best meal you get

  Maria Ilieva in
Maria Ilieva in "The Cherry of the Cake" [19659010] – I am Master of

– What is the Recipe for the Fastest and Most Delicious Breakfast

19659002] – Scrambled Eggs cheese and butter. Served with toasted bread slices and a cucumber …

– Your weaknesses as a housewife are …

– I do not have time to develop my culinary skills

but you can not afford it, it's …

– No matter what kind of desserts

– Y is there anything you can not cook

Unfortunately, (laughs)

– In which participants of "Cherry on the Cake" did you like most?

– It was very nice and tasty. We were a wonderful company of entertaining and intelligent people

– What do you cook most often for your beloved?

– Newly Pbadion Fruit Baby Purees and Vegetables:

See how singer Maria Ilieva cooked with "Cherry on the cake" in the video above

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