Tens miss after the pumps in Japan (VIDEO / PHOTOS) – World


The number of victims of torrential rains that struck the western part of Japan has risen to at least 51, and 48 people are missing, reported today the TV channel quoted by NCH. ]

In the Hiroshima West Prefecture which is among the heaviest victims the death of at least 23 people was confirmed and 21 lead to disappeared. In Ehime prefecture 18 people died on the island of Shikoku, southwest

Destructive torrential floods killed in Japan, thousands of people are evacuated (PHOTOS / VIDEO) [19659003] Heavy rains in southern and western Japan did not stop for several days. The damage caused by the record rains, especially in the Hiroshima, Kyoto and Okayama regions, increase every hour

Unusual rains caused unprecedented pores, landslides, and floods Many people in affected areas were trapped in their homes after failing to comply with orders. evacuation of local authorities, reported AFP

At an extraordinary meeting, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ordered his ministers to give priority to people's lives and to send teams to the affected areas, reported on Tuesday. DPA agency.

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