Kaufland wants to reduce the use of plastic by 20%


Measures against the excessive use of plastic are becoming more prevalent in society. Companies play an important key role in this process. Kaufland will therefore implement a comprehensive 360-degree strategy for the drastic limitation of plastics, the company said. The strategy was developed and developed by Schwarz Gruppe, part of which is the company, and provides specific measures and targets to prevent the use of plastic, more recycling and the production of more sustainable packaging for products

Kaufland will reduce at least 20% of plastics in all countries by 2025 will ensure 100% recyclability of plastic packaging of its own branded products and. here the end of 2019 will deliberately exclude certain plastic items from its range

"Packaging Restriction Plastic and nylon have always been our priorities.Our own brands have fully recyclable packaging. we are drastically reducing the negative impact on nature, "said Stela Parvanova, commercial director of Kaufland Bulgaria.
Kaufland's plastic will significantly reduce the use of e plastic packaging in all countries where it operates. One of the products that will be excluded from the range at the end of the year 2019 is the plastic ear muffs. In all countries, they will be replaced by sustainable alternatives. The same goes for plastic straws as well as Kaufland disposable disposable plastic utensils. In contrast, the badortment of the chain will be enriched with reusable products from sustainable materials such as cardboard. In addition to restricting visible plastics as early as 2013, the company has excluded rigid plastic microparticles in the production and production of its own cosmetics, sanitary and hygienic brands

High awareness of the subject
Good knowledge of the basics of problem and possible alternatives are a prerequisite for lasting and meaningful change in consumer behavior and habits. To this end, Kaufland offers consumers the option of returning waste such as paper, cardboard, batteries, light bulbs and small electrical appliances to any chain of hypermarkets
. But the commitment does not stop there – in terms of own brands Kaufland invests in the development of innovative packaging solutions and recycling opportunities
"As the 39, one of the leading trading companies in the world, we are responsible for the environment and society.With the help of targeted measures, part of the plastic containment strategy, we can change a lot. This, of course, is a long process and hard work, and I am pleased that we are already taking the first steps to limit the plastic and close the production cycle, "said Ivan Chernev, Director of Kaufland Bulgaria
Schwarz Gruppe , one of the world's leading trading companies, for Schwarz Gruppe's global strategy

part of which is Kaufland, is aware of its responsibility and commitment to the environment. # 39; a he overall strategy of using 360-degree plastic, Schwarz Gruppe develops measurements and applies them all over the world. The strategy aims to reduce the use of plastic and to close the production cycle.

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