Billionaires of new technology in 2018


the industry has been producing billionaires for years and it seems like there is no better way to
becomes rich faster than creating a mobile or social app
media sites

this trend does not seem to slow down as the technology industry is
generate 11 new billionaires in 2018

even among them there is a Bulgarian.

who are they:

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is a co-founder of Dropbox, which became public in March. Since the release of
shares of the stock market, he went to the billionaire club


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is co-founder and CEO of the streaming music giant
Spotify, and his company went public in April. The result for him and
the other founders of the company – $ 5.8 billion.

Banšel and Sachin Bansal

moment for the primary public offering is not the only way to become rich
quickly in the world of technology. The application of Bini Bansal for shopping
The Flipkart (77%) was purchased by Walmart in May, and after the agreement
Billionaire Bansal. Sachin Bancal is another co-founder of the Flipkart happening
billionaire after Walmart investment.

Vlad Tenev and Baju

Vlad Tenev (of Bulgarian origin) and B Aiju
Bath are co – founders and co – directors of
Robinhood mobile investment application. Their business has recently pbaded
a successful financing cycle with which the company's estimate reached $ 6 billion.
( More about them read in the September issue of Economics ).
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On special order,
co-founder of Internet security company Avast, which went public
in London in May of this year

Preston-Werner, Chris Wangstraat, and PJ Heath

Stroll with the director of Microsoft Satya Nadela and
Nat Friedman

the three co-founders of GitHub entered the list of new
billionaires when their company was bought by Microsoft last month


is the newest techie billionaire in 2018, but you can be sure,
that he will not be the last. He joined the club and in June,
when the payment application Adyen, to which he is co-founder, became

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